
Mission Statement

ACM SIGCSE is the leading global community of professionals, researchers, educators, teachers, and students interested in understanding and improving computing education. We provide opportunities and resources to advance educational research and practice related to designing, developing, and implementing pedagogy, curricula, programs, and tools at all levels in all types of educational settings. SIGCSE values diverse perspectives. We welcome and work to include the participation of all societies, people, and demographics in computing education.


Computer Science Educators

Membership (as of June 2017)

As of January 2024, SIGCSE has a total of 2,559 members representing 66 countries. For more information, visit the membership page.


The following awards are presented annually:


SIGCSE is managed by an elected Board of volunteers consisting of a chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, and three "at large" members.

List of previous officers.

Annual Events

The following events are held annually:

Other Activities

In addition to sponsoring events and awarding awards, SIGCSE is active in many other ways:

  • Publications - SIGCSE publishes a quarterly newsletter, the SIGCSE Bulletin.
  • Mailing Lists - Two moderated mailing lists for announcements and discussion of topics of general interest to SIGCSE members are maintained.
  • Special Projects - SIGCSE awards a limited number of grants to help its members investigate and introduce new ideas in the learning and teaching of computing.
  • Speaker's Fund - This project supports the dissemination of outstanding SIGCSE/ITiCSE presentations to other venues.
  • In Cooperation Events - SIGCSE may lend its name to non-SIGCSE events that are fully sponsored by other non-profit organizations.
  • Committees - The Committee initiative encourages SIGCSE members to participate in substantive discussions on areas of community interest with the goal of investigating topics in depth and culminating in substantive reports.
  • Resources - SIGCSE maintains resources for the computing education community, for example a list of PhD programs and a list of places to publish.