Calls to Host an ITiCSE Conference

The Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education conference (ITiCSE) is the premier international computer science education conference in Europe. Held annually in June or July, ITiCSE has broad international participation and is governed by a steering committee with representation from ACM SIGCSE, ACM Europe, and Informatics Europe.

The ITiCSE Steering committee is currently seeking nominations for program chairs and conference chairs for the next few years. The responsibility of overseeing the selection of the program (Program Chair) and of overseeing the running of the conference at a particular venue (Conference Chair) are held by different individuals.

Both roles normally require a two year commitment. For the Program Chair, year 1 will be an appointment as Junior Program Chair, and year 2 as Senior Program Chair. The conference is normally hosted at the Conference Chair’s home institution.

The criteria for appointees:

Program Chair:

  • Prior attendance at an ITiCSE.
  • Prior publication at a SIGCSE sponsored conference.
  • Past service on an ITiCSE Program Committee as reviewer or Associate Program Chair (APC).
  • Strong publication record in computing education.
  • Collaborative and organizational skills sufficient to work on the Conference Committee and to share oversight of the program selection process.

Conference Chair:

  • Prior attendance at multiple ITiCSE conferences.
  • Holds a permanent appointment at a European university that possesses the capacity to host the conference (meeting spaces, lunch facilities, break space, etc), is convenient to an international airport and has sufficient nearby hotel capacity. See this page for a more detailed description the host university and host city requirements.
  • Collaborative and organizational skills sufficient to work on the Conference Committee and to oversee the conference.

To nominate an individual, please include the individual’s CV and a cover letter explaining how the individual meets the criteria for the role. Self-nominations are strongly encouraged. Please send nominations to the ITiCSE Steering Committee

Informal expressions of interest are also welcome. Such inquiries will trigger a dialog with an ITiCSE Steering Committee member who will help with an understanding of the nature and breadth of the obligation and whether a formal nomination is appropriate.

Nominations should be submitted no later than three years in advance of the planned conference date.