SIGCSE Virtual

The SIGCSE Virtual conference is organized by the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) and is the organization’s newest conference. SIGCSE Virtual addresses issues common among educators working to develop, implement, and/or evaluate computing programs, curricula, and courses, as well as broadening participation in computing and making it more inclusive. The conference provides a forum for sharing new ideas for syllabi, laboratories, and other elements of teaching and pedagogy, at all levels of instruction. We endeavor to have a diverse selection of technical sessions and opportunities for learning and interaction.

SIGCSE Virtual 2024 will be held from 05-07 December 2024.

SIGCSE Virtual will be a purely virtual event. Online participants will be able to participate in:

  • Keynotes
  • Papers
  • Doctoral Consortium
  • Panels
  • Lightning Talks/Posters

Online registration will be significantly cheaper than SIGCSE’s other conferences. Our hope is that this will allow everyone to present their work at SIGCSE Virtual 2024, as there will be no travel costs associated with participation!

Submission Information

We will use Easychair for SIGCSE Virtual 2024. We will use the ACM two-column format for papers, panels, and the Doctoral Consortium. Submission Link: To volunteer to review for SIGCSE Virtual 2024, please visit

Keynotes details

The keynotes will be available as a video ahead of time to conference attendees. The actual keynote slot will be focused on Q&A with the keynote presenter. Attendees, please watch the keynote in advance, and bring your questions to ask the presenter!

Papers details

Papers will be accepted in two categories: experience reports and research papers. We will ask authors to prepare a 10-15 minute presentation video, which will be available to conference attendees. The 20-minute paper “presentation” time will start with a 5-minute live presentation by the author(s) summarizing the paper’s major results. The bulk of the time will be available for Q&A with the author, and discussions among the attendees.

Doctoral Consortium details

Details are coming soon! We’ll also soon share deadline details.

Panels details

Panel sessions provide an opportunity for expert panelists to present their views on a specific topic, and then to discuss these views among themselves and with the audience. Please note that we will try to coordinate the panel presentation time with the time zone convenient to the institution of the lead panelist.

Lightning Talks and Posters details

The five-minute lightning talks will be followed by poster sessions led by the lightning talk presenter. The “poster session” will be held in several breakout rooms where interested conference attendees will have the opportunity for discussion with the presenter. We expect these new combined lightning talks/posters to include both less fully-developed research ideas (typically the domain of posters) as well as new ideas (typically the domain of lightning talks).

Important information about conference times: Since this conference will have attendees from around the world across many time zones, we expect one day of the conference to be held at a time most convenient to attendees from North and South America, one day of the conference to be held at a time most convenient to attendees from Europe and Africa, and one day of the conference to be held at a time most convenient to attendees from Asia and Australasia. Specific timings of presentations will depend on how many papers, panels and lightning talks/posters get accepted from a particular region. Presenter preference will be considered when setting presentation times.

Important Deadlines

Round OnePapers and Panels
Abstract Due Date/Time (Papers Only) Monday, 20 May 2024
23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12h)
Round One Due Date/Time Monday, 27 May 2024
23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12h)
Round One Notification to Authors* Monday, 24 June 2024 tentative

Round TwoLightning Talks/ Posters
Round Two Due Date/Time Monday, 1 July 2024
23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12h)
Round Two Notification to Authors Monday, 15 July 2024 tentative
Final Submissions Due
(for accepted work)
(precise dates to be determined)

For SIGCSE Virtual 2024, we try to obtain three or more reviews per submission. For the paper track, many reviewers prefer to review only three submissions. (Since submissions for other tracks are much shorter, reviewers often review more submissions.) That means we need about the same number of reviewers as submissions. This year, we are asking (but not requiring) each submission to designate at least one author who is willing to review for the conference. Note that undergraduate students cannot be reviewers.

Interested reviewers should fill in the form at: Please direct questions or concerns to

SIGCSE Virtual 2024 papers will not be open access. SIGCSE is part of the Open Surround program The SIGCSE Virtual 2024 papers will be freely available to the world via the DL for one month surrounding the conference.

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.