ACM Advanced Membership Grades

Last updated December, 2022

The Awards Committee of the SIGCSE Board is interested in raising the profile of computing education, and we believe that one way to do this is to have more SIGCSE members identified as Advanced Members of the ACM. There are three advanced membership grades available: Senior, Distinguished, and Fellow. Requirements, due dates, nomination forms and FAQs about each of these grades are available at the ACM Awards page.

A very useful reference is an article by Marc Snir & Telle Whitney in the July 2010 CACM: Advice to members seeking ACM distinction.

ACM Fellow

This is ACM’s most prestigious member grade recognizing the top 1% of ACM members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community. Applications are due annually at the beginning of September. Fellows require five endorsements from current ACM Professional Members and must be nominated by an ACM Professional Member.

SIGCSE members who are ACM Fellows
Judith Gal-Ezer Susanne E Hambrusch Paul Resnick
William Richards Adrion Robert M Aiken Ronald M Baeker
Tracy Camp Robert S Cartwright Jack Davidson
Peter J Denning Dennis J. Frailey Frank L Friedman
Juan E. Gilbert Mark Guzdial Richard E. Ladner
Joyce Currie Little Michael Littman Dianne Martin
William B Poucher John Mark Pullen Eric S Roberts
Bhavani Thuraisingham Allen Tucker Albert J Turner
Stuart Zweben


ACM Distinguished Member

This membership grade recognizes members with exemplary achievements that have advanced the science, engineering and education of computing. Applications are due annually on August 1.

This award level requires at least 15 years of professional experience and the ability to demonstrate that the member has had significant accomplishments or impact in the computing field. Distinguished Members must be nominated by a current ACM Professional Member.

SIGCSE members: Distinguished Educator status
Tony Clear Quintin Cutts Diana Franklin
Margaret Hamilton Guido Rößling Alison Clear
Kathi Fisler Andrew Luxton-Reilly Jane Chu Prey
Ingrid Russell Joel Adams Christine Alvarado
Owen Astrachan Tim Bell Mordechai Ben-Ari
Judith Bishop Martin C Carlisle Michael E. Caspersen
Lillian (Boots) Cassel Michael J Clancy Steve Cooper
Michelle Craig Suzanne W Dietrich Stephen H Edwards
Dan Garcia Jeff Gray Elizabeth K Hawthorne
John Impagliazzo Doug Jacobson Charles F. Kelemen
Michael Kolling Barbara Boucher Owens Richard Pattis
Ramon C Puigjaner Susan Rodger Clifford A Shaffer
Henry M Walker Kevin D Wayne Mark Weiss
Tiffany Barnes Barb Ericson Deepak Kumar
Gloria Childress Townsend
SIGCSE members: Distinguished Scientist status
Antonija Mitrovic Leo Porter Mats Daniels
Marie DesJardins Laura Dillon Alan D Fekete
Sally Fincher Armando Fox Lane A Hemaspaandra
Ethan L Miller Marian Petre Sushil K Prasad
David S Touretzky Robert A. Walker Panagiotis Papadimitratos
SIGCSE members: Distinguished Member status
Valerie Barr Andrew B. Begel Kim B Bruce
Gail Chapman Thomas Cortina James H. Cross II
Andrea Danyluk Cay S. Horstmann Matt Huenerfauth
Renee McCauley Andrew McGettrick Manuel Pérez-Quiñones
Mehran Sahami Amber Settle Judithe Sheard
Lynn Andrea Stein Chris Stephenson Jodi L Tims
Andre van der Hoek Charles Weems


Senior Member

ACM members can apply for the first advanced membership grade, Senior Membership, approximately every three months. Senior Membership requires at least 10 years of professional experience, including graduate school, and 5 years of continuous Professional Membership. Senior members are self-nominating, and three letters of recommendation from colleagues are required.

SIGCSE members: ACM Senior Member status
Rajeev Agrawal Vicki Almstrum Barbara Anthony
David Arnow Reyyan Ayfer Douglas Baldwin
Valerie Barr Rebecca A Bates Joseph A Bergin
Cindy Bethel Benjamin Bishop Jean Blair
Richard Blumenthal Erik Brunvand Peter Brusilovsky
Suzanne Buchele Jennifer Campbell Jeffrey C Carver
Vincent A Cicirello John Cigas Alison Clear
Thomas Cortina Venu G Dasigi Janet Davis
Karen Davis Susan Dean Adrienne Decker
John Dooley John P Dougherty J.Philip East
Ali Ebnenasir Deger Erdil Barbara Jane Ericson
Vladimir Estivill-Castro Rudolf Fleischer Yetunde Folajimi
Timothy Fossum Edward F Gehringer Paul V. Gestwicki
Don Goelman Timothy A Gonsalves Rebecca Grasser
James Heliotis Daryl Hepting Mark A Holliday
Ellis Horowitz Meriel Huggard Hongbo Jiang
Jeremy R Johnson Lawrence G Jones Daniel T Joyce
Jennifer S. Kay Carsten Kleiner Vladik Kreinovich
Can Kultur Deepak Kumar Clif Kussmaul
David Largent Niels Muller Larsen Cary Laxer
Robert R. Lewis Fuhua (Oscar) Lin Erik Linstead
Vicente Ferreira de Lucena David Luginbuhl Roman Lysecky
Cynthia R Marling Bruce R Maxim Ciaran Mc Goldrick
John W McCormick Kevin W McCullen Monica McGill
James McGuffee James Miller Antonija Mitrovic
William Mongan Freeman L Moore Michael O Moorman
Patricia A Morreale Todd Neller Amos Olagunju
Joann Ordille Michael Oudshoorn Panagiotis Papadimitratos
Abelardo Pardo Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones Jeffrey Popyack
Leo Porter Viera Krnanova Proulx Samuel A. Rebelsky
Donna S Reese Stefan A Robila Guido Roessling
Anthony S Ruocco Amber Settle Kelly Shaw
Richard E Smith Peter Sommerlad Daniel R. Tauritz
Eli Tilevich Jodi Tims Kim Tracy
Paul Tymann Jan Vahrenhold Michael Van Hilst
Troy Vasiga Kam H Vat J. Angel Velazquez-Iturbide
Ellen L Walker Jerod Weinman James Whitmore
Gunnar Wolf Steven A Wolfman Xiao-Chun Yang
Mohamed M Zahran