SIGCSE Bulletin and Inroads Promoted to Magazine Status

SIGCSE Bulletin and Inroads Promoted to Magazine Status
The former SIGCSE Bulletin inroads has been promoted from a SIGCSE newsletter to a magazine, ACM Inroads! Over the years, SIGCSE's quarterly publication evolved from an informal gathering of news and ideas to a venue for columns, articles, research announcements, editorials, etc. However, the former SIGCSE Bulletin inroads was not identified as having an established review process (beyond the editor) and thus was classified as a newsletter. Under the insightful guidance of current Editor-in-Chief, John Impagliazzo, the new ACM Inroads will offer somewhat expanded content and a new reviewing process. Altogether, ACM and SIGCSE will now be supporting at least 3 levels of publications for computing education:

  • ACM Transactions on Computing Education (formerly JERIC): all articles formally refereed following a feedback process.
  • ACM Inroads (formerly the SIGCSE Bulletin inroads): all articles reviewed or formally reviewed – a step up from the expectations for a SIG newsletter.
  • SIGCSE Bulletin: a new newsletter intended to bring members SIG news, together with SIGCSE conference proceedings on CD.