Previous Speaker's Fund Awards
Since 2005 SIGCSE has run a Speaker's Fund program (formerly known as the Outreach Grant program). The SIGCSE Speaker's Fund supports the dissemination of outstanding SIGCSE Technical Symposium, ITiCSE, ICER, or CompEd presentations to other venues. The program is open to any non-ACM conference holding "In-Cooperation" status with SIGCSE. Conference organizers may apply for funds to bring one or more speakers from recent Technical Symposium, ITiCSE, ICER, or CompEd conferences to the meeting to repeat their presentations. Although we expect most proposals will be for paper presentations, we will also consider support for other types of presentations, such as panels or workshops. Expansion of previous presentations, for example from a 30 minute presentation to a 60 minute presentation, is also appropriate.
The list of previous awards:
- 2019
- "Booting into AI: Startup Instructions for Teaching Artificial Intelligence” by Brian Hare and David Heise at the Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges - Central Plains Region (CCSC-CP) 2020.
- 2018
- “Exam Wrappers: Not a Silver Bullet." by Michelle Craig at the Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE) 2018, USA.
- “An IoTa of IoT” by Dr. Bill Siever at the Consortium for Computer Science in Colleges – Central Plains Chapter Conference (CCSC-CP 2018), USA.
- 2017
- “Making Music With Computers” by Bill Manaris at the Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Central Plains region of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC-CP 2017), USA.
- 2016
- “Modality Matters: Understanding the Design of Introductory Programming Environments” by David Weintrop and “Beyond Code: Progressing from Plain Text to Blocks Based Computing” by Jens Mönig at the Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Midwest region of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC-MW 2016), USA.
- “Transforming High School Computer Science: The Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC)” by Dan Garcia at WCCCE-2016: the Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, B.C., Canada.
- "Teaching Parallel & Distributed Computing with MPI" by Elizabeth Shoop and Joel Adams at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Central Plains region of the Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges (CCSC-CP), USA.
- 2014
- The Importance of Early Performance in CS 1 by Leo Porter at the Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Eastern region of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC-Eastern), USA.
- If Parallel Computing is the New Normal, How Do We Prepare Our Students (and Ourselves)? by Joel C. Adams at the Twenty-first Annual Conference of the Midwest region of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC-MW), USA.
- Introducing Secure Coding in CS0, CS1, and CS2 by Elizabeth Hawthorne at the 20th Annual Conference of the Central Plains region of the Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges (CCSC-CP), USA.
- Computer Science Curricula for the Coming Decade” by Mehran Sahami at the 19th Annual Conference of the Northeast region of the Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges (CCSC-NE), USA.
- 2013
- Accelerating K-12 Computational Thinking Using Scaffolding, Staging, and Abstraction by David Touretzky at the 20th Annual Conference of the Midwest region of the Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges (CCSC-MW), USA.
- ACM/IEEE Computer Science 2013 Exemplar-Fest by Henry Walker at the 6th Annual Conference of the South Western region of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC-SW), USA.
- Audacious Android Application Programming by Frank McCown at the 19th Annual Conference of the Central Plains region of the Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges (CCSC-CP), USA.
- 2012
- Past, Present, and Future by Edward Lazowska at the 17th Annual Conference of the Northeast region of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, USA.
- The Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC), AP CS Principles, and the CS 10K Effort by Dan Garcia at the 18th Annual Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges - Central Plains Region (CCSC-CP) Conference, USA.
- 2011
- Raising the numbers of women in computing by Jane Chu Prey, at the 16th Annual Conference of the Northeast region of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, USA.
- What Should a College Classroom Look Like in a Digital Age? by Martin C. Carlisle, at WCCCE '11: the Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, Prince George, B.C., Canada.
- 2010
- Computing and Sustainability: An ICT Project in the High Andes by Alison Young, at CCSC Northeastern Regional Conference, USA.
- 2009
- Computer Science Unplugged Workshop by Thomas Cortina, at CCSC Central Plains Regional Conference, USA.
- Game2Learn: Creating and Evaluating Educational Games for Computing by Tiffany Barnes, at CCSC Eastern Regional Conference, USA.
- Linking Computer Science, Art, and Practice through Digital Sound by Jennifer Burg and Jason Romney, at CCSC Southeastern Regional Conference, USA.
- 2008
- Enriching CS1 with a Networking Theme by Tom Murtagh, at CCSC Eastern Regional Conference, USA.
- Computer Science Unplugged Workshop by Lynn Lambert, at CCSC Southeastern Regional Conference, USA.
- Alice Frenzy: An Interactive Group Activity by Steve Cooper, at CCSC Northwest Conference, USA.
- 2007
- "A Radical Approach to Teaching Object-Oriented Programming" (keynote) by Andries van Dam, at CCSC Northeast Regional Conference, USA.
- "Introducing Visual Studio Team System into the Curriculum" by Dr. Joe Hummel, at CCSC Central Plains Conference, USA.
- "Students Learn CS in Different Ways: Insights for an Empirical Study" by Anders Berglund, at ACE2008, the Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference, Australia.
- 2006
- "Teaching Computing Ethics" by Keith Miller and Don Gotterbarn, at the CCSC Southeastern Regional Conference, USA.
- "Defensive Climate in the Computer Science Classroom" by Lecia Barker, at the 6th Baltic Sea Conference of Computing Education Research, Sweden.
- "Everything I Needed to Know about Teaching I Learned in Kindergarten: Bringing Elementary Education Techniques to Undergraduate Computer Science Classes" by Robert Duvall and Shannon Pollard, at the CCSC Eastern Regional Conference, USA.
- "Alice Workshop" by Steve Cooper and Wanda Dann, at the CCSC Midwest Regional Conference, USA.
- 2005
- "Alice Workshop" by Wanda Dann, at the CCSC South Central Regional Conference, USA.
- "Kinesthetic Learning in the Classroom" by Rebecca Bates, Stephen A. Wolfman, Afsaneh Amiri and Laura Aslan, at the CCSC Northwest Regional Conference, USA.
- "Alice Workshop" by Steve Cooper, at the CCSC Southeastern Regional Conference, USA.
- "On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Computer Science Redux" (keynote) by Owen Astrachan, at the CCSC Eastern Regional Conference, USA.
The aim of SIGCSE is to provide an equitable global forum that promotes and advances research, teaching, and practice in computing education at all educational levels across all demographics
Upcoming SIGCSE Events
Technical Symposium 2025
Feb-26 to Mar-01, 2025
Pittsburgh, PA -
ITiCSE 2025
30th June - 2nd July (WG: 27-29 June)
Nijmegen, The Netherlands -
14-16 July 2025
Raleigh, North Carolina -
ICER '25
3-6 August 2025
Charlottesville, VA, United States -
CompEd 2025
23-25 October 2025
Gaborone, Botswana -
SIGCSE Virtual 2026
Dec 2026
Online -
Many conferences across the world are held in-cooperation with SIGCSE.